Get To Know Wildstar
About My Choice To Serve
Hello! My name is Nickolas Wildstar, and I’d like to tell you a bit about myself. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI and moved to California in 1999 to establish a career in the music industry. Until recently, I lived in Orange County, where I worked as a marketing specialist for a digital advertising firm. After living in Fullerton for over 6 years, my wife Crystal and I moved to Fresno in June of 2019 to settle down and raise our family away from the hustle and bustle of Southern California. I have also been a candidate for California Governor and ran an independent grassroots campaign in 2014. In 2018, I ran for Governor for many of the same reasons to make California great again only this time I was being supported by the Libertarian Party of California.
I now ask you to gift me your vote for Mayor of Fresno so that I may answer my calling to make our wonderful city a better place for us to raise our families and make a living for ourselves. I want my son, Chancellor, to grow up in a place where he feels safe. Where he can find gainful employment, affordable housing, and raise his own family when the time comes. As a father, I don’t want him having to choose between making a successful life for himself and having to live in the same place he grew up due to the lack of opportunities.
That’s what drives me feverishly to create the change that we need to make our neighborhoods safer, more prosperous, and more compassionate. If you trust me with your vote and have faith in me to be Fresno’s next mayor, I will do everything within my power to tackle the issues facing Fresno; such as homelessness, high crime rates, tax burdens, lack of housing, and poor business conditions. If you want to help make Fresno a better place and see a REAL change in your community, please join the rEVOLution and VOTE Nickolas Wildstar for Mayor in 2020!
Join Team Wildstar today to bring a gold standard in governance to Fresno!
Platform To Power Fresno
One of the biggest issues facing Fresno is our homelessness problem. With rent control laws being passed statewide and the closing of low-end hotels in the city, people are being phased out of their homes and thrown onto the streets en masse as the supply of housing decreases. In particular, families with children, elderly, and military veterans are facing these housing crises. Those with mental health issues are also in dangerous situations where they cannot get the help that they need. As your mayor, I would like to use currently undeveloped city land to create communities where we can efficiently install affordable and suitable tiny 3D printed, tiny houses to be able to give people a roof over their heads without a burdensome cost to taxpayers and a stronger chance to begin taking steps to improve their own lives. I would also suspend local restrictions on individuals, churches, and other organizations to house, feed, or otherwise so that they may be able to aid those in need. We, The People, have the ability, as well as all the resources needed to help each other. It is time to prove that we also have the compassion and the common sense to take steps that will actually solve this problem ourselves where government has been failing.
ISSUE: Homelessness populations in Fresno have been rising steadily, and so far government attempts to solve the issue have had little effect, if any. This results in more disadvantaged people in Fresno, without even a roof over their heads.
SOLUTION: Use tiny houses in order to shelter those in need and help clean up our communities. Allow individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to operate efficiently to help address the homelessness problem faced by the people of Fresno. Create a designated mental health response team to aid those having a mental crisis.
Join Team Wildstar today to help reduce homelessness and help the needy in Fresno!
Criminal Justice Reform
I want to ensure that the people of Fresno have a better criminal justice system by having the best trained officers, having a police force that spends more time building strong relationships in the community, creating a mental health response team so officers can protect citizens from real criminals and shift our officers focus towards peacekeeping and away from policing for profit.
It used to be in times gone by, that our public servants were not ‘law enforcers’, they were peacekeepers. The American police force has undergone a dramatic militaristic change over the past fifty years so I want to restore their true identity as peacekeepers in our communities. I believe that this much appreciated role will help mend strained relations with the communities in which they serve.
SOLUTION: Better training for officers, a cessation on policing for profit, and no longer enforcing victimless crimes at the expense of those with real victims in Fresno. The creation of a non-police affiliated unit that is designated to respond to mental health emergencies or helping people in crisis that are homeless in our community.
Community Economics
Both local and state policies have been making it hard for businesses of all sorts to be successful in California and our neighborhoods are starting to see signs of economic blight. Everyone from the mom and pop stores and restaurants in your neighborhood to corporations that are major employers are feeling the heat from these regulations and taxes.
This means fewer jobs for the people of Fresno, and more commuting as people are forced to leave their communities to find work in neighboring cities. I want to help us reverse that trend to bring people and jobs back home to Fresno so that we can enrich our communities and let the hard working people of Fresno spend more time with their friends and family instead of being stuck in traffic.
ISSUE: Even in a somewhat robust economy, we are seeing more businesses leave Fresno and the poor in our communities keep getting poorer as their employers leave, their jobs are moved out of state, and the cost of the goods and services that they need to continue to rise.
SOLUTION: As mayor of Fresno I would eliminate business licensing fees and alleviate tax burdens to create more jobs and bring businesses back. This would help everyone from mom and pop businesses to corporations that employ 100+ plus people.
Join Team Wildstar today to make Fresno prosper and bring life back to our communities!
Gun Control
Fresno has one of the highest crime rates in the nation, both for property crime and violence. The problems facing our city need to be dealt with so that we can regain our peaceful neighborhoods for our children to grow up in and where we can feel safe at home again. Part of the problem in our community is gang violence, and the present way of handling this isn’t working. Picking up supposed gang members and arresting them for firearm possession alone isn’t cleaning up our streets. Instead, I believe, we need to be promoting gun safety. Police officers should teach people how to properly use their firearms, encourage them to register their gun and get licensed, and remind them that while all people have a constitutional right to own and carry firearms, that personal responsibility is the most important part of exercising that freedom. Solutions like these can rebuild relationships in the community between officers and the people that live in those neighborhoods, protect Constitutional Rights for all residents, avoid ruining an individual’s opportunity to find jobs due to victimless crime charge convictions, and reduce violence overall while promoting safety.
ISSUE: Escalating violence in our communities make residents feel unsafe and also unable to turn to police officers for assistance since they fear them the most.
SOLUTION: Have officers promote gun safety through education and relationship building, and not take measures that infringe on the Constitutional rights of others. This will prevent the everlasting staining of their personal background in a way that could keep them from finding gainful employment later on in life.
Join Team Wildstar today to help make our communities safer!
Fresno First Initiative
One of the things on my heart is to ensure the best path forward for Fresno, and I’d like to share a bit of my vision with you. I would like to turn Fresno into a city that leads the way forward. By cutting back funding on inefficient programs and needless government expenditures, I believe that we can save money and still invest in things that will be of major benefit to Fresno moving forward. I believe that if we harness the financial power of the people and focus on spending that money right here in Fresno ONLY then we can set ourselves on the right course to lead the way in technology, innovation, and beautification.
Transportation: Our roads need to be fixed, and fixed efficiently. We cannot afford for projects to languish on forever or for work to be done without proper care and quality. I want to ensure that we invest in our infrastructure and also ensure that taxpayers get the best deal possible while still getting the best quality product.
Additionally, I want to ensure high quality and affordable public transit by expanding bike lanes and sidewalks and allowing for more community bike and scooter programs. I would also like to explore what we could do for a metro system around innovative technology, such as the maglev train systems currently used in Asia and a hyperloop system like that being built in Saudi Arabia and the Cleveland-Chicago-Pittsburg development.
Energy: I would also like for Fresno to explore energy independence. It has become more apparent to voters that PG&E is unreliable, irresponsible, and increasingly expensive. They are also not subject to accountability due to corporatism in play in California, with government doing nothing to protect consumers. To that end, I would like Fresno to consider forming its own public utility that utilizes renewable sources of energy. This could help Fresno gain independence away from the corruption of California, the problems of PG&E, and help us pursue both a cheaper and Eco-friendly energy system for Fresno that can power our city using our own tax dollars which would essentially mean no more electric bills for those living here.
Finance: A public bank of Fresno is another public enterprise that I would like to establish. Federal banking regulations and state mismanagement create significant hurdles for individuals and small businesses. I want to help put a stop to that by leading the way with public banking. The proposed Bank of Fresno would accept any and all currencies, including precious metals and cryptocurrencies, to ensure that the consumer and our community is always getting the service they deserve. This would also help us overcome problems that legal business owners in the cannabis industry have had with federal banking laws keeping their money in the dark, which increases risk and violence in our communities through the black market. Having a public bank available that will handle any and all financial transactions will help individuals and businesses in our community by giving them more economic freedom and aid in the effort to make our city safer in the process.
Beautification: Another issue of major importance to me is revitalizing our parks and creating public gardens. Our parks are necessarily important for our neighborhoods and the environment.
They give people and families a place to play sports, go jogging, enjoy scenic walks, spend time with each other and more. In order for them to continue to be enjoyed, they need to be receiving the same attention that the people of our city deserve and by cutting costs in other areas, we can do just that without having to raise taxes on the people of Fresno. I also want to see investment in our downtown area, making it more attractive to businesses, tourists, and real estate development. Finally, I want to implement community and sidewalk garden programs. This can help provide food for local neighborhoods as well as teach our children and community members in the inner city about the importance of agriculture here in the Central Valley.
Join Team Wildstar today to bring Fresno into a future we can all enjoy!
Support the candidate
$20 For Wildstar2020
Join the team! Team Wildstar is growing fast!!!
We are reaching thousands of people with our message, but we need your help to turn that into tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, all around Fresno!
We CAN NOT do this without you and your people POWER!
Passionate activists and volunteers like yourself are what’s going to make this campaign as transformative and successful as it will be. Even if you don’t have much time to contribute, we welcome you to join the team and we appreciate every minute of your time that you can give as we attempt to make our city a better place to call home.
What can YOU do to help?
There are so many small and easy things you can do that will take very little of your time like:
- Register to vote and be sure to vote on Super Tuesday (March 3rd, 2020)
*Please note that ages 16-17 may pre-register now - Tell your friends, family, peers, colleagues, and anyone you care about to vote Nickolas Wildstar for Fresno mayor
- #SpreadTheWord and give the campaign shoutouts on all of your social media
- Share content (videos, interviews, posts, etc.) about Wildstar on your social media and include our hashtags #IHaveThePower✊ #MayorWildstar #Wildstar2020 #VoteLibertarian
- Follow Wildstar on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or subscribe to his YouTube channel
- Put up a sign in your yard
- Contact Newspapers, Radio Stations, and other media outlets to tell them about Wildstar and why you will be voting for him
- Make an #IHaveThePower video endorsing the candidate and explain why you will be voting for Wildstar
- Join the Libertarian Party of California or even the national Libertarian Party
- Hip-Hop music lovers are also encouraged to listen to and download his most recent album #EVOLve Or DIE! and share his music which can be found on Soundcloud, Amazon, i-Tunes, Pandora, Spotify, Napster, and many other online music streaming and digital distribution platforms.
If you want to get more involved, you can:
- Volunteer to get involved as a campaign staff member (No Experience Necessary)
- DONATE!!! Or Create your own Political Action Committee (PAC) for the candidate!
- Pass out fliers to friends, family, and everyone in your community
- Work as a fundraiser doing phone banking
- Table for the campaign by setting up a sign up booth at your local Wal-Mart, festival, church, etc.
- Lead a team to go door to door in your neighborhoods.
- Make your own Lawn Signs, Hats, Bumper Stickers, Flyers, Shirts, or any merchandise that can be used to promote the candidate and donate proceeds to the campaign
So, what are you waiting for?
Help us restore freedom, prosperity, and safety in Fresno today!
Power Up and Join the official Wildstar2020 team NOW!
Official campaign materials are available upon request!
Contact us at 818.538.4878 or by emailing
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